Why Wolfram Alpha is no Google ...
Posted On May 20, 2009 at by Prakash G.R.Weekend Trip
Posted On May 19, 2009 at by Prakash G.R.Its been a while since we went out. Last month I decided to go out somewhere for a weekend in May. At first thought I called up some places in Coonoor, as my mom is currently working there, but couldn't find any good place. Since its summer vacation all of them were full. The next option was the default option where I went last year. My daughter loved that place more than me and it was luckily available. For a change, from the Bungalow, we went out to visit a Dam. Otherwise it was a perfect laze away.
A view of Aliyar Dam:
The Waterfalls Estate Bungalow:
It Rains!
Flower after the Shower:
Walk in the Tea Gardens:
Bored? What to do?
Lets try some magic:
Ka! Boom! ...
... and I've a banana
One more time, Ka! Boom! ...
... and I'm invisible now
How cool is that trick?
Lets pose for a picture:
And one more:
Enough of this, I'm going to pose for some ads.
First is for a deodorant:
then for a tooth paste ...
then the backpain reliever Moov cream
and then for the dress ...
Enough of your photographic experiments. One last snap, I'll be going out for playing
So the last snap:
Green, Green, Green all over:
And some flowers also:
ICICI and Adsense
Posted On May 7, 2009 at by Prakash G.R.
How to identify the kid of a Software Engineer?
Posted On at by Prakash G.R.Teacher: Can you count till 10?
Kid: Zero, One, Two, Three, ...
Just a test post from ScribeFire :-)
Back to Mac :-)
Posted On May 4, 2009 at by Prakash G.R.When I got the offer from IBM, I asked whether I can get a Mac as my official laptop. My manager said ThinkPads are the defacto ones and thats what I would get. But after joining IBM, I searched intranet and found a way to get Mac as an official laptop. First my team needs adequate funding and then I've convince my manager with *real* business reasons, and he has to convince his manager, and he in turn has to convince his manager and he inturn ... The chain goes all the way up to the heaven and ultimately He say 'Go on' and the approval comes down. The entire process took months, but then its worth of it.
Now I got a shiny new 2.4 GHz MacBook. I managed to have all my apps running native, so I didn't even install any Virtualization software or use BootCamp. Good bye Windows and Hello Mac - again :-)
I should say the new ones are absolutely gorgeous. Light weight, better battery backup, multi-touch trackpad etc. Few things I noticed is that the apps are not compatible to 10.4. So when I try to connect to my older personal Mac, I can't load the photos here, unless, they are converted to the new format. But converting to the new format means that I can't use them on the older one. So the solution is to upgrade the OS in my older Mac or don't use official laptop to view/edit the photos. I prefer to the second option. Another annoying thing is that the screen is glossy and the reflection is very high. I haven't noticed it in my MacBook or the earlier MacBook Pro. I had to change the direction of my office table to cope up with this. Very minor annoyances and I can definitely live with that for the Mac :-)